THE MAJOR PROJECT: ‘pvnkbunny’

During our childhood a lot of us hold deep attachment within a stuffed toy although upon reaching adolescence, they are put away. As a society, keeping them as an adult can be viewed as embarrassing or childish. But what if the re-conceptualisation of plushies detached these existing connotations surrounding the object? The creative solution is to steer away from a kid audience and expand the target market through rebranding and incorporating wearable plushies with Streetwear Fashion. Bringing my own memorable character to life in the form of wearable plushies, they can be accessorised into one’s daily lifestyle. With the right styling and marketing, plushies can become a fashion statement aiming at an older demographic through bold and gothic Art Direction in place of cute.



Group project with Shimaa Almotowakel. Brief: Launch a campaign to kick off the club’s 10th anniversary year and create a stronger brand identity through their online communication.

DUOLINGO D&AD: ‘Switch to Evil Duo’

Brief: Open young adults’ eyes to the world of languages and inspire them to weave language learning into their daily routine, with an integrated campaign launching at the start of the school year.

BT X CAKE HAVAS: ‘Beyond Disability’

Group project with Michelle Leung & Shimaa Almotowakel. Brief: Create a campaign that leverages the hype of the Euros to drive awareness of disability football.