Hello there! I’m Ben (the boy in the first image who’s head is perched next to a Strawberry Shortcake toadstool and an inflatable bonsai tree). It’s hard to pinpoint my practice into one defined area, I pretty much like everything. Whilst studying at Kingston I have made pigeon towers from mushrooms, grown onions from tears, constructed a pop up office and even randomly generated my outfits for the next 100 days. I aspire to create work that evokes humour, excites, intrigues and shocks; escapes from the mundanity of daily life.  A desire not only to solve problems, but to do so in a way that is as unconventional as possible.

[1] Work From ____ –  A pop-up office that provides a structure for both your working day and physical office space, re-defining the blurred boundaries that currently exist when working from home.

[2] Cry Me an Onion  –  On average we individually consume 11.65kg per year equating to approximately 1000 onions per household. With all those onions, comes all that chopping. And all that chopping, leads to all that crying. But what happens to all those tears? Cry Me an Onion utilises those wasted tears created from chopping onions in order to grow and harvest new onions.

[3] Mantel Pieces –  The mantelpiece is a location in the house overflowing with memories, treasures and personality. This photography series celebrates the pieces in our homes that we display/collect /love/ let collect dust. These pieces often act as a way of defining us as individuals and act as extensions to our bodies, yet other people rarely ever get to see them.

[4] Future Farm – An aquaponic farm and bench all in one. Future Farm utilises fish excrement to grow new produce for the community in a circular economy. The project has evolved from research findings into pioneering methods of growing and producing food in cities.