Francesca Fanigliulo is a 2D Animator and illustrator born in Turin, Italy and based in London.

A key anchor in her practice, is the reflection of her personal and other people’s experiences in her stories, often giving a sense of melancholy, particularly through the use of colour. Although she mainly uses digital painting, she always tries to give it a traditional and “hand-made” tone, particularly using pastel and watercolour brushes. 

Another key part of her work is research, in particular, in History and History of Art, an interest developed during the BA at Kingston University and in her previous course in Fine Arts (focused on Painting) taken in Italy. In fact, her work often likes to take the form of narrative animation and reportage illustration, to capture small moments of life and tell other people’s stories.

Her graduation film “Deserter”, set in 1918, shows the story of two soldiers escaping war, each with their own path, showing, in particular, the importance of humanity and the union between the two, albeit belonging to different factions. Guided by memories and art, the two characters will find a way to coexist and hide from war.


I’m Francesca, a London based 2D animator. ​My interests fall into 2D Animation, Concept art and Background painting. I find a lot of my inspiration in real stories of people, the History of Art and films.