My Final Major Project was to adapt and repurpose Silo D. Silo D is a listed concrete silo, located at Millennium Mills, Royal Victoria docks. I had to develop a use that enhanced the facilities currently in the community that also incorporates circular economy. I chose to develop Playscape due to the development of residential buildings with limited activates in the community for families.


Playscape is a four-story space where primary school aged children can learn through play, developing their group interaction, risk assessment, discovery, and imagination skills. My proposal was inspired by The Playscape in Beijing which is focused around the same concept and The Health and Children’s Centre in Japan which is a play zone for children but also a health and childcare support centre for families.


Playscape also includes a four-story workshop in the right tower dedicated to mycelium production. Each level is a production stage with the ground floor the workshop to produce items with the mycelium grown. The workshop is linked to the local primary school as an after-school club but can also be used in conjunction with the school curriculum.


Including different colours, forms, textures and levels in Playscape helps to enhance children’s development through the new experiences and decisions they are making.