Architecture is about thresholds, boundaries and in between spaces that cause moments of vulnerability, showing and developing an emotional connection to a space that is wrapped around you. At its core buildings transition us from the outside elements, taking on the role of sheltering us and providing a place of comfort.

    The significance of thinking about proportions and dimensions explicitly derives from a disparity between measuring and perceiving. We interpret our surroundings by linking objects to one another, comparing, and differentiating them. If we intend to respond as architects, we need to understand what proportions and size disparities we detect and deem relevant.

    With over 53% of children in poverty in the local area borough of Tower Hamlets, it is vital we provide opportunities to children with vastly limited options, allowing them to build on their skills. This project aims at combatting this issue, offering a mixture of classroom space as well more shared functions such as a sports hall, canteen, theatre, and spacious art rooms that can be hired within the local community.

    The proposal houses an enclosed garden also known as a “Hortus Conclusus”. This not only provides privacy for the children but allows them increasingly rare space to think freely in open air, isolated from the busyness of the city.