Julia is a researcher, ‘writer’ and creative person. Obsessed with trash, kitsch and ‘ugly’ popular culture, she appropriates the aesthetics to explore issues surrounding gender and class. Her pieces often rely on both image and text and are the result of enthusiastically undertaken extended research journeys.

Swipe Right is a magazine for dating app users satirising Tinder culture and its behaviours. The piece adopts the ‘trashy’ visuals and confessional tone of a real life magazine to explore the general stereotypes as well as specific (but relatable) dating app experiences of its creator. Swipe Right covers it all,  awkward firsts, unenthusiastic consent, dating app jargon and female desire.

Through Swipe Right, Julia unites all the signature elements of her practice: research on culture and society theories, ‘trashy’ aesthetics, humour and writing.