Capstone Project: HELLGIRL

Wide format digital print, 33×98 inches

I believe that women have certain temperaments or powers that have been repressed in the process of being shaped by society. In my capstone project HELLGIRL, I tried to depict the history of being disempowered as well as the desire to take back the lost things.

这幅画可以从任意角落进入,没有固定的观看顺序。图画描绘了主人公在一个类似冥界的异世界游荡, 试图寻回被父权社会形塑的过程中失去的力量。在冥河的外圈展现了主人公(女性)被围猎的历史,但过程中不时得到来自失落的自我的援助;圈内是她脱离困境之后作为行动者的活动记录。

Xinru Chen used to be a language learner. Making illustration to give her voice to important issues.