People do tend to judge a book by its cover. And book covers can often be misleading and get promoted to the wrong audience. The better way to explain/ promote the story to the audience is to make a trailer for the book. “PERUSAL” is an  app that allows users to use Augmented Reality to watch book trailers.The name “PERUSAL” means searching, examining and browsing.  The goal of perusal is to create trailers for each book so the writer can target the right crowd. Perusal can help people find the right book through searching and watching different trailers. The brand goal is to create a safe and calm space for the users to find the right book. 

BLULUV : ( teammate : Nawang Tamang, Lien Nguyen )
Bluluv is our self-love journal for adolescents and young adults, who are becoming more insecure about themselves with increasing societal pressure and unrealistic expectations. We believe that everyone is worthy of love, and learning to love ourselves is a life-long practice.

BT Sport / Cake : (teammates : Angela Karki, Shimaa Almotowakel )

A campaign that brings awareness to disability football. “Beyond Disability ” is the aim for this campaign. We believe that “attitude is everything”. Disability football players can be just as good or even better at football. We want to use gamification to raise awareness. The concept is that we have created playing cards with disability football players. The audience can unlock the card through our website. Also they could  join the VR experience of playing football as the player in the card later on in different events. Also different kinds of social media and OOH marketing will support this campaign. 

Hot Bananas : ( Teammates : Preticha Tchenda )

Our aim is to create a campaign to raise awareness to the show. We have created different social media campaigns suggestions for the show.

If you want to know more about what I did, check out my instagram 😛

Pinning my hopes on my creativity !