Cyberpunk is a science fiction that focuses on dystopian urban society dominated by high computer technology. In cyberpunk, use of drugs and technology to make yourself stronger is one of the main signature in a cyberpunk world. But is it really a fiction? In the current world of ever growing technology and use of “drugs”, are we already living in somewhat of this cyberpunk world? People are changing because of technology.

In this project Shift, I explore the current world shifting reality to the cyberpunk world. I use history and culture of different nationalities to create their cyberpunk icon. I experiment with animation and AR to bring the illustrations to life. Interested? Follow my link to the website “Shift” to find out more.

And if you like, you might also want to check my other works on my links provided!ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ

My life motto “If you started today, imagine where you would be tomorrow”. So, remember to never give up!