‘Divided by Walls, United at Borders’ – ‘Divided by Walls, United at Borders’ is a diptych publication of my dissertation that explores the oppressive nature of borders and walls. The publication is fabricated for people separated by long distances or personal conflict. Each book contains either even or odd pages, forcing users to read each page to each other through a video calling software.

‘The Balanced Booth’ – In 2020, 14% of club booking were female or mixed acts. ‘The Balanced Booth’ is an online resource that displays the important work female, non-binary and trans musicians are producing. It does this through presenting various collectives, workshops, radio stations, playlists and artists.

‘Soft Data’ – Even as we sleep, the time at which we are perceived to be at our most ‘switched off’, our devices continue to create, store and share data. ‘Soft Data’ is an installation piece which sees our phone’s overnight activity being knitted over an 8 hour period, highlighting the unconscious technological creation that occurs during our moment of rest.