Pickle Palace pays homage to the sites rich history in export, through changing the narrative from grain import and export, to instead promoting contact and cultural exchange with the wider community.
In collaboration with the charity, Migrateful, my scheme aims to celebrate chefs and their traditional cuisines, through the belief a meal has the capacity to bring us together, tell stories, share, discuss and form connections through placing fermentation at the forefront as a symbol of cultural exchange and education.

In reaction to the public’s anger at the Newham City Farm’s permanent closure, along with the high demand in community allotments, my scheme offers floating gardens inspired by the traditional Mesoamerican agricultural technique; Chinampa. The allotments enable a clear connection between nature and architecture whilst practically supplying vegetation for the fermentation facilities. The allotments provide a community space and safe haven for those suffering with loneliness and mental health, through being encouraged to gather, maintain and build the structures. Furthermore the inclusion of underwater seaweed harvesting and biomimicry design creates an engaging and evocative backdrop within the multifunctional event space.

The scheme responds to the UK’s serious flooding problem, through harvesting and purifying rain water. The design exemplifies self sufficiency through expressing the problem in an engaging and lyrical way.

The majority of my scheme offers re-purposed materiality, both lightweight and durable, creatively re-defining the use of a surface to tell a story and promote sustainability.