Throughout this year, the project focus became the retrofitting of existing industrial typologies whilst engaging with the natural environment.
    Although the structural frame has been reutilised, alternative solutions have been provided for the exterior form to better reflect the context of the site.

    The project acts to produce a connection between the boundary of Tolworth Court Farm Moated Manor and the industrial estate. The scope of this project is for the restoration of a private underused industrial unit that is reclaimed by the community (for the community) for plaster and clay workshop spaces with multifunctional capabilities. Separated by a series of curved curtains, the project outlines spaces for the four clay and plaster programs: Pigment making, Clay processing program, Plaster tile program and Shikkui lime plaster.

    The project will deliver intergenerational teaching and working spaces for the local community with possibilities of hiring spaces for external classes. Taking inspiration from the concept of cross-generational learning, the project focuses on how the relationship between the 4-80 age bracket can enhance social capabilities.
    The project’s target is to encourage more activity within Tolworth Court Farm Fields, allowing for this underused land to be rewilded and utilised by both people and wildlife. The project focuses on how the relationship between nature and humans within this area can be improved without detriment to the wildlife and natural landscape.