The FishLander, is a multi-functional tool which provides industrial fishermen, especially in the shellfish trade, quick and efficient access to various tools to complete numerous tasks while at sea.

The design progressed through the research of regulations and laws needed to be followed by fishermen which help indorse sustainable fishing. Chores like V-notching and measuring to be made fast and comfortable, while following fishing rules precisely, so all concentration can be on their days catch. This was developed by intense primary research, through the involvement of what a day is like in the fishing industry by 9 hours at sea conducting interviews and participating, helping my understanding of how this new tool should be designed. This was an important part of the project as it gave me personal assistance of what’s needed functional when designing the product.

The properties offered this experience meant that I could design a new product with its own form and identity. Replacing current tools like kitchen knifes and low-quality V-clippers to have an all-in-one personal tool which is easily assessable, one handed and hard wearing in this unpredictable environment.

The main aims of the products success are that the fishermen can accurately carry out their regulations while also speeding up their routine when fishing. Efficiency is key when fishing, as 3 men onboard completing their tasks as quickly as possible, pressure can be felt as one job is reliant on the other being completed. It’s also an industry with design neglect as tools and equipment haven’t evolved for decades, and so presented current tasks which they found to be tedious in completing and needed a better solution (this would be the crab claw tendon cutting).

The FishLander, is a multi-functional tool which provides industrial fishermen, especially in the shellfish trade, quick and efficient access to various tools to complete numerous tasks while at sea.